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Random problems at system startup



  • bdgregory

    I'm baffled.

    What's the random number in Counter for?

  • Mitja Kolsek

    Hi bdgregory, our agent is reacting to changes in various Registry values; putting a random value in such values is almost certain to trigger a change, and get the agent to react. In this case, the agent reacts by unloading our DLL from running processes.

  • greg3k

    Hi Mitja,

    I tried the short delay and the long delay on my Win7 Pro and Win10Home machines. The results were negative in all four cases, the problem persists and 0patch is not connecting to the server.

    - Greg

  • Mitja Kolsek

    Hi greg3k, your problems with 0patch Agent not connecting to the server were likely caused by our cert snafu (see Please try again; thanks and sorry!

  • jdecbaker

    I applied the Short Delay yesterday and tested it. Several times Windows 7 booted successfully, so I thought that was the solution. But this morning when I booted Windows 7 the same problems re-occurred. The first error in the System Event log was a 60s timeout for the RPC Endpoint Mapper service - many other services depend on the RPC Endpoint Mapper service so the rest of the boot up has lots of errors.

    I then applied the Long Delay but that didn't delay the patches being applied (0patch.log file records "Patch 516 applied in application wininit.exe" only about 12 seconds following reboot). The Long Delay delayed the start of the 0patch service, but that did not help.

    Is there a way of delaying the Agent, which could help by delaying the application of patches?

  • lgrobertson

    Same issue here w. Win7 64 bit SP1; applied the reg alterations (made a system restore point first), and it seems to have turned the trick. Thanks, Mitja. Nice to see an outfit that can admit an error, then turn around and provide a fix that fast.

    As a new user of 0Patch, I'm impressed.

    How so very NOT- Microsoft. :)

  • FranceBB

    It goes without saying but if you're using Windows XP, then only the Short Delay patch can be applied. ;)

  • Mitja Kolsek

    Thank you FranceBB, it seems Windows XP really doesn't support delayed start for services.


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