Release date: 2/15/2023
User manual:
New Features and Improvements
- Improved patch application and removal performance for ~10x. Although 0patch Agent had a negligible performance impact on majority of systems, some Terminal Servers and Citrix servers with constant large number of newly-launched processes were affected. This improvement should resolve such cases.
- To prevent a large number of simultaneously-installed agents from always connecting to 0patch server at the same time, silent installation now employs a random 0-60 minute delay between agent’s installation and its first sync to the server. Therefore, agents silently installed in a batch will gradually start appearing in 0patch Central during the first hour after installation.
- We added a periodic self-test for applying and removing patches to a small test application, which will allow us to detect rare cases where a misconfigured computer prevents patching to work properly.
Bug Fixes
- When a new patch was issued for a patchable module (EXE or DLL) that already had another patch, the new patch didn't immediately show up in the list of relevant patches for the computer in 0patch Central. This has now been fixed.
- A race condition was causing occasional crashing of svchost.exe processes on some Windows 7 computers upon system restart. This has now been fixed.
- Process Sppsvc.wxe is now excluded from injection due to reported problems with Windows and Office activation and licensing.
Known Issues
- Avast may detect 0patchServicex64.exe as malicious, quarantining this file and preventing proper functioning of the agent. We have reported this false positive to Avast. If you're affected, we recommend marking any antivirus detection of 0patch-related files occurring soon after agent update as a false positive, restoring quarantined files and making an exception for these files.
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