We're a reseller. How can we resell 0patch to our customers?

Mitja Kolsek -

We're happy to onboard new reseller partners. You should start by creating an account at https://central.0patch.com and sending us a brief email about you to sales@0patch.com so we know who you are and enable reseller features in your account.
As a reseller, you will be purchasing 0patch licenses (yearly or monthly subscriptions) for your customers in your own 0patch account, where you'll also be able to manage these subscriptions (enable/disable renewals, change license quantities etc.), download invoices, and manage your payment and billing options.
Make sure to familiarize yourself with 0patch Central using this quick guide. Note that in a reseller account, there are no DASHBOARD and COMPUTERS pages as you cannot manage agents as a reseller, but everything else . (If you want to use 0patch for your own organization, you need to create a separate 0patch account for that.) However, there is an additional CUSTOMERS page.
0patch Central - Reseller - Customers.png
The CUSTOMERS page allows you to manage your customers and their licenses. Any customer you wish to resell 0patch to will also have to have their own 0patch account identified with an email address. Some customers will already have a 0patch account and will have to tell you their account's email address. Others will not have a 0patch account yet, and will have to tell you the email address they want to use for it.
In either case, you will have to add such customer by clicking the ADD CUSTOMER button and providing their email address. You will want to also enter their company name for easier identification, and optionally a private comment that only you will see.
0patch Central - Reseller - New customer.png
Upon clicking SEND INVITE, the customer account will be created if it hasn't existed yet, and will be added to your list of customers. If the customer account is created, they will get an account activation email with an activation link they will have to visit to complete the registration of their account. Otherwise, they will just be notified that they have been added to your customer list.
The CUSTOMERS page will then include this customer, which can be removed from your account with the "-" button in case they are at some point no longer your customer. Clicking on a customer will open a page with their details and assigned subscriptions.
0patch Central - Reseller - Customer.png
On this page, you can edit customer's company name and comment, and manage their subscriptions. The above image shows a customer having one 0patch PRO subscription with 2 licenses assigned.
Note that a customer may have other subscriptions in their account than those you can see here: they may have purchased subscriptions on their own, or other resellers may have assigned subscriptions to them. You will only see subscriptions you have assigned to the customer.
As a reseller, you will typically get a request for a quote from your customer, and in turn request a quote from us at sales@0patch.com or look up the price in 0patch Central. When you're ready to make the purchase, you will buy a subscription by clicking the ADD SUBSCRIPTION button on BILLING or CUSTOMERS page and completing the purchase process using credit card or PayPal. For wire transfer payments (minimum of 100 licenses), please inquire at sales@0patch.com.
You can either assign the customer a new subscription by clicking the ADD SUBSCRIPTION button (which will take you through the purchase flow), or an unassigned subscription you have previously purchased, by clicking on ASSIGN EXISTING SUBSCRIPTION. The latter will show you a list of unassigned subscriptions you can choose from:
0patch Central - Reseller - Assign Subscription.png
Once a subscription is assigned to a customer, it will be seen in their 0patch Central where its licenses will be counted against customer's registered 0patch Agents. The customer will not be able to edit such subscription or access its invoice, they will only see that it was assigned to them from your account.
If the customer has no subscriptions in their account and hasn't has a free trial before, you can issue a free trial to their account by clicking the ADD TRIAL button. This allows you to add, only once, either a PRO or Enterprise trial to customer's account.
You can unassign any assigned subscription from a customer by clicking the "-" button on the right in their list of subscriptions; this will immediately remove the subscription from the customer's account. Unassigning a subscription makes it available for assigning to other customers.
You can modify all your subscriptions on the BILLING page; any changes to an assigned subscription will be immediately reflected in the customer's account.
You won't need to assign your licenses to customers, just make sure the total number of valid licenses in your account is sufficient for all registered 0patch Agents.
Yearly and monthly subscriptions are available (minimum for monthly is 20 licenses). The price of a monthly subscription is 1/10 of the price of a yearly subscription - it costs more on a yearly basis but allows you to reduce the number of licenses in the subscription every month.
As a reseller, you will have our partner discount applied to calculated retail prices using a partner discount code. To get the retail price for a specific number of licenses you'd like to offer your customer, please click on "ADD SUBSCRIPTION" in 0patch Central, select the PRO or Enterprise plan as appropriate for the customer, and type in the number of computers to the purchase form - the retail price will be automatically calculated, including any volume discounts.
You will get the partner discount code when you're ready to make the first purchase - just let us know by email to sales@0patch.com before you make the purchase.
Our billing system will notify you by email - to all billing contacts listed in 0patch Central - of an upcoming termination or renewal of any subscription 90 days in advance so that you have enough time to contact the customer and get their processes running.
For any sales/billing related questions, email us at sales@0patch.com; for technical issues, questions and suggestions, send an email to support@0patch.com.
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