As time passes, some of your computers may get decommissioned or replaced, but they are still listed in 0patch Central and are still consuming licenses. There may be too many for you to manually delete them one by one,
When you have a large number of such outdated computers registered in 0patch Central, you can use the "Sync" filter to filter them out (they're not syncing anymore) and delete them in bulk.
- [Enterprise accounts only] In 0patch Central, open the All Computers group, or the group from which you want to delete outdated computers.
- Set the "All agent syncs" filter to "Not synced for more than a month". This will filter out only those that haven't synced in the last month. Their count will be updated on the right side under the list - check this count for validity so you don't end up deleting too many.
- Tick the "Select All" checkbox and under ACTIONS, select "Delete Agent(s)".
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