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Mozilla Firefox 73 can crash upon launching when 0patch Agent is installed



  • zanadew2

    This is exactly what happened to me. I followed the above directions and it allowed Firefox to execute. I realize this means for now, a zero day bug would be bad news, but Firefox is quick at fixing these issues. I will now consider a Pro license for Windows 7.

  • helpdesk

    WOWS - talk about fast responders!  I reported my issues late yesterday and already this solution has been brought to my attention directly from the Lead from 0Patch in nearly live email assistance.  Great help !

  • layne.marshal

    Why does my system tell me that I must "Specify valid numerical value for '/d' ?

  • scott.perry

    I noticed that Firefox was not initializing properly on my machine either, but after reinitializing it a few extra times by clicking on my desktop Firefox icon while watching my Task-Manager processes, it started to behave normally.

    For now, would you recommend for me that I might just simply click a few extra times on the icon to get Firefox working, and meanwhile that I might wait until you have this ironed out behind the scenes?  Or would you recommend at this time that I actually do the work-around as listed above?

  • Mitja Kolsek

    layne.marshal, our initial script only worked in cmd.exe, which failed when executed in PowerShell. We've updated the article to also contain a PowerShell script.

    scott.perry, We noticed a similar behavior but that is not to be relied upon. Mozilla stated in their release notes that they would fix this issue in the next version but in the meantime, we recommend implementing the provided workaround (exclude firefox.exe in 0patch).

  • mobilesuit600

    Mozilla has released FF 73.0.1 to address the issue. Please show procedure on how to revert from the above 0patch Agent temporary (?) fix. Thanks.



  • Mitja Kolsek

    mobilesuit600 Done, thanks.


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