Uninstalling 0patch Agent

Mitja Kolsek -

Uninstalling 0patch Agent removes 0patch Agent from the computer, including all patches that may have been applied. Since 0patch does not modify any executable files, the computer will thus return to the state it would have been in had 0patch Agent never been applied.

Uninstalling 0patch Agent can be done interactively or silently using command-line arguments.


Interactive Uninstallation

To interactively uninstall 0patch Agent, open "Add or Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" as Administrator in Windows Control Panel (depending on your Windows version), and select option "Uninstall".

Alternatively, you can launch (as Administrator) the installation package of the currently installed 0patch Agent version and select option "Remove 0patch Agent”.


Silent Uninstallation

0patch Agent can be silently uninstalled from the computer by launching:

msiexec /x 0patchInstaller.msi /q


Or, if you obtain the GUID of the installed 0patch Agent from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall on a 32-bit system or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall on a 64-bit system, 0patch Agent can be uninstalled by launching:

msiexec /x {GUID} /q


Note that this GUID is the same for all agents with the same version so you only have to obtain it once on any one of your agents and use it for uninstalling any number of agents with that same version.

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