The Patches page displays individual patches, and allows you to enable or disable them. You can enable or disable individual patches by switching the button for that patch between "enabled" (green dot) and "disabled" (red dot). Once you disable a patch, it immediately gets removed from all running applications and stops being applied to newly launched applications. Similarly, when you enable a patch, it immediately gets applied to all running applications where applicable.
There are four views (filters) you can choose from when viewing the list of patches: LICENSED PATCHES, RELEVANT PATCHES, APPLIED PATCHES, and PATCHES AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. These views are explained in the following sections.
The LICENSED PATCHES view shows all patches licensed for this computer, i.e., all patches that are either free or for which this 0patch Agent has a valid license.
List of licensed patches, showing three disabled patches
The RELEVANT PATCHES view shows all patches that are relevant on this computer (i.e., whose vulnerable modules have actually been found on it), whereby those that couldn’t be applied due to missing, expired or invalid license, are marked in red. This view is useful for identifying all patches that make, or could make, a difference on the computer. If any of the patches on this list have a red AVAILABLE status, you’re not experiencing the full value of 0patch.
Important: It is possible that some patches which are relevant on this computer aren’t listed here because their vulnerable modules haven’t been detected by 0patch Agent yet. For instance, after installing 0patch Agent, the agent scans local drives for patchable modules and only when it finds them, patches for these modules get added to this list. But don’t worry, if a vulnerable module is being used by a running application, 0patch Agent knows about it immediately and is able to patch it.
List of patches that have been confirmed to be currently relevant on this computer; the FREE ones are enabled, while those requiring PRO license are marked as available for purchase
The APPLIED PATCHES view shows all patches that have been applied on this computer at least once. This view is useful for seeing which patches have helped protect this computer up to this moment, and for disabling patches that you suspect might be causing problems. (Only applied patches could possibly be causing problems).
Note that a patch that was previously licensed on this computer but its license has since expired, can be listed here with status AVAILABLE if it has been applied at least once while it was still licensed. In addition, patches that have been revoked but have been applied prior to their revocation, are also listed here with status REVOKED.
List of all patches that have been applied on this computer at least once; the license for multiple PRO patches (marked as AVAILABLE) has since expired and they are therefore no longer being applied
The PATCHES AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE view shows all patches that can be purchased from 0patch in addition to the ones that are FREE or already licensed on this computer. Patches whose patchable modules have actually been found on this computer have a red AVAILABLE status, while others have an orange AVAILABLE status.
List of all patches available for purchase