0patch Console is the local user interface for 0patch Agent. It allows you to:
- view important information about patches and applications on your computer;
- view information about your 0patch license
- enable or disable 0patch Agent;
- enable or disable individual patches;
- exclude selected applications from patching;
- configure the appearance of pop-up messages;
- update 0patch agent to the latest version; and
- view the activity log.
0patch Console is automatically launched after successful installation of 0patch Agent if you leave the Launch 0patch Console checkbox ticked.
You can launch 0patch Console at any time by clicking the 0patch icon in the system tray, right-clicking the 0patch icon in the system tray and selecting the Console menu item, or via the Start button.
Note that 0patch Console needs to be running with administrative privileges. If you're not logged in to Windows as a member of Local Administrators, you will need to provide administrative credentials to launch the Console. On Windows Vista or later, and Windows Server 2008 and later, you may need to confirm the elevation prompt.
Console Layout
0patch Console consists of seven main areas as shown in the following image.
The MAIN MENU provides access to individual pages of the Console: Dashboard, Applications, Patches, Settings and Log.
The SUBMENU area (only used on Applications and Patches pages) provides various filters for displaying applications or patches.
The ACCOUNT area shows the 0patch account to which the Agent is registered, and allows you to register the Agent to another account.
The COUNTERS display the number of patches installed on your computer, the number of disabled patches, the number of applications that have been excluded from patching, the number of patchable modules (i.e., modules the agent has patches for), and the number of patches that are available for purchase.
The MAIN AREA displays the content of the page selected via the menu.
The DRAG AREA allows you to drag 0patch Console around on the desktop.
The STATUS AREA shows whether 0patch Agent is currently enabled or disabled
The dashboard provides top-level information about the status of your agent. It consists of various “boxes” as shown on the following image.
The ACTIVITY – LICENSED PATCHES box displays real-time activity data for licensed and free patches:
- how many patches have been applied at least once to applications on this computer;
- how many times a patch has been applied on this computer; and
- how many applications have been patched (with one or more patches) on this computer.
You can click on the two large numbers in this box to go directly to APPLIED PATCHES view and PATCHED APPLICATIONS view.
The ACTIVITY - AVAILABLE PATCHES box displays real-time activity data for unlicensed patches (i.e., patches available for purchase that would have been applied had there been an appropriate license on this computer):
- how many patches available for purchase would have been applied at least once on this computer (but were not, because there was no license);
- how many times a patch available for purchase would have been applied on this computer (but wasn’t); and
- how many applications would have been patched (but weren’t) with one or more patches available for purchase.
You can click on the two large numbers in this box to go directly to PATCHES THAT WERE NOT APPLIED view and APPLICATIONS THAT COULD BE PATCHED view.
The LAST SERVER SYNC box displays the amount of time passed since the 0patch Agent has last successfully received updates from the 0patch server (i.e., the last time it has done a successful "sync"). It also provides quick information about the status of the last sync attempt, or any problems that may be causing the Agent to fail syncing. You can manually force a sync by clicking on “SYNC NOW.”
The AGENT STATUS box allows you to enable or disable the Agent. Normally, the Agent is enabled, which means it is patching applications on your computer and periodically downloading new patches from 0patch server. If you disable the Agent, it removes all patches from currently patched applications and stops applying patches to them until you re-enable it.
The LICENSE box shows the license assigned to this agent, and when applicable, provides the “PURCHASE LICENSE” button.
The AGENT VERSION box shows the version number of 0patch Agent. When a new agent is available, this box also provides a "GET LATEST AGENT" button you can use to launch the update process and install the latest Agent. More details on this are available in section Updating 0patch Agent.
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