0patch Agent's License

Mitja Kolsek -

0patch Agent initially comes with a FREE license, which includes a limited number of patches and can be used for non-commercial, non-work-related purposes (see current License Agreement for details).

On the image below, 0patch Agent with a FREE license shows that only 99 patches have been installed, while 206 additional patches remain available for purchase. In addition, the number of patchable modules is shown in YELLOW, indicating that there are patches for some of the modules on this particular computer that can be purchased.

The RED numbers in the Available Patch Activity box show how many of these missing patches would have been applied to processes on this computer, and how many applications would have been patched if a PRO license were purchased for it.


0patch Agent with a FREE license comes with a limited number of patches; additional patches remain available for purchase


If you want to purchase a 0patch license, click on the PURCHASE LICENSE button in the LICENSE box and follow instructions on the web site. Important: make sure to provide your correct 0patch account email address when purchasing to make sure the licenses will be assigned to your 0patch account.

Alternatively, you can purchase a license in 0patch Central.

After you have purchased an appropriate number of PRO or Enterprise licenses in your 0patch account, your Agent will recognize that upon its next sync and will start looking like the below image and all PRO and FREE patches will be installed on your computer – and applied as needed.


0patch Agent with a PRO license shows a larger number of installed patches and no patches available for purchase

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